Friday 12 October 2012

making a gate tower

First  of all make a cylinder, and on the parameters set it so that the height and cap segments are set to 1 and the sides are set to 18.
and then just create a large Cylinder.

 Rotate this cylinder so tat it is up-right at 90%, and then on the measurements set the height to 180. Select your cylinder and on the modifier tab select slice - set this to 180
 goon polygon mode and then select the bottom polygons of the shape, and then extrude this by 128
 Inset the tombstone shape by 8, then extrude by -4, do this a couple times to create a 'stepped edge' – do this as many times as you want.
Once done, delete both sides of the inside polygons.
 Go onto edge , select the two inner edges and then select bridge – then go onto polygon and select the newly made poly going around (due to bridge) and then extrude this by -8 (ensuring that the drop down on the extrude menu is set to local normal). This will create an inset.
 After that, you then select the top polygons, delete them. Then go onto edge tool and select the top rectangles and drag them up, with the top still select bridge the top. Then select border, select the front border and ‘cap’ it and the back
 we then made a plane (easy to see in y frame mode by pressing F3) and made sure it was just big enough to cover the hole. From here with the plane selected you go onto the modifier list and select ‘lattice’  this will give it a gate effect. You then scale your gate tower so that it can hide the lattice properly.
You can then add detail as you see fit.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Making a Keep

 first we made a block –
height= 960
length = 1280width = 1600 
and then we made a reference block for a man Width - 32 height = 96 length = 32

We then used Bevel on the top polygon and had the height set to 0 and the width at 64 to create a lip, then extrude set this to 120
Then select the  back poly and top inset by 64
Extrude the top by -64

Delete the top of the back polygons to create a gap, the delete the top polygon.

 Select the back and front edges and then from the bottom tools select bridge, this will then fill in your top gap.There is a tear with the fixing, so to fix this you need to go onto vertex(instead of poly) and then you select one of the vertex in the top right hand corner by the gap, right click and select ‘target wield’ – you then select middle vertex and the bottom on the inner side (for both) and then it will join them.

you then select on the edges from the front of the keep, ring them and then slect connect – choose 12 segments and then from here with them all selected you have to scale them on the z axis so that they all align. Do this again for the other side by scaling them on the y axis.

you the select the top of the middle polygons on the front lip, you then extrude them 64, then 128 and then 64.

Then select the front polygons in selecting the 2 fronts ones first, and then on the second column selecting 2 and then carry on until the end- you then extrude your selection by 128

select the top and bottom on the ones that were missed, you then inset your selection by 32 then delete the selection.
From here you select border, drag a selection box over the area we were just working on to make the holes, once selected then select bridge.
you then use your move tool to create a funnel effect

then select the polygons from the front of the battlement, extrude them, and then you select every other block and extrude them for protection of the 'player, do the same selecting ever other polygon on the top of the sides. 

you then create more pols in the front, by selecting an edge using the ring function and then implementing to segments with a side of 64 and a pinch of -18
you then inset every other block by 64, and then extrude it by -40

We then deleted the bottom polygons to save on space and reduce the amount of polygons. Then choose all of the polygons on the roof apart from a ring of 2 thick around the sides, extrude this by 720, and then bevel ontop of this

Once done, you then repeat the process of making battlement on top, once again to supply the player with cover and protection